Recreation at the Caribe Royale
When you stay at the Orlando Caribe Royale, you can easily see why it is one of the 4 Star Hotels in Orlando. Having many fun things to do makes a resort exciting, and your family will find plenty of fun at the Caribe Royale. The Caribe Royale Pools are amazing; your kids will love the 75-foot winding water slide and the kids’ splash park. Check out the Basketball and Tennis courts as well as the arcade.
Caribe Royale Recreation
The arcade is a great place to hang out on a sweltering summer day in Orlando to get a break from the heat for a bit. Games are great in the arcade and showcase various types to fit all age groups.
Basketball & Tennis
Adjacent to the tennis court you will find a full-sized basketball court, providing a fantastic outdoor venue for both exercise and enjoyment.
Fitness Center
[2:22 PM] Keith Dunn Get ready to pump up the adrenaline and unleash your fitness potential! The Caribe Royale Fitness Center has got everything you need to skyrocket your workout game and stay in shape like a boss!
Bike Rental
Get ready for an electrifying family adventure! Rent a bike and embark on a thrilling tour around the Caribe Resort. Hold tight and make memories that will last a lifetime!