Massive Disney Characters portrayed throughout the entire Art of Animation Resort can be seen first-hand while watching the Video Overviews. As you walk around the 4 different Themed Areas, you will be astounded by the attention Disney has taken to present just the right information in the right way at every turn. The Characters come to life as you make your way around this giant complex. This resort is wonderful for larger families due to the fact that more of the accommodations are Family Suites than Standard Rooms. In fact, out of the total 1,984 rooms available, 1,120 of these rooms are Suites. This makes it very nice to stretch out when you stay in your room and have some extra space. The Pools are quite amazing at the Art of Animation, each one portraying the themed area it resides in. Take a look at all of the pools from Finding Nemo, Cars and even the Little Mermaid.

Art of Animation Videos

Disney Art of Animation Resort

Video Tour of the Disney Art of Animation Resort and Pool Areas

Disney's Art of Animation

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