Be sure you understand that this hotel is dated and the reviews are all over the place. Some love it and others do not. Take a look at some of these below.

Indoor Pool at Enclave Suites Orlando Fl

Low cost and location might be the primary reason to stay at The Enclave Hotel and Suites Orlando Fl but having a nice Indoor Pool is a big enticement for many. The Indoor Heated Pool at the Enclave Suites Orlando is open 24 hours every day and this is not what you will see at many properties. In fact, there are very few hotels in Orlando with an Indoor Heated Pool at all. Beside the Indoor Pool is a nice circular Hot Tub for the adults to enjoy while the kids have fun in the water. If the weather permits, 2 additional Outdoor Pools are fun in the sun from Dusk to Dawn every day.

Pets Allowed?

Pets are not allowed at the Enclave Hotel and Suites in Orlando Florida.

Ask for an updated room

You can ask for an updated room but you might want to actually check the condition of the room before final check in to make sure it is okay for your stay.


The Dining at The Enclave Hotel and Suites Orlando Fl is limited to the Complimentary Continental breakfast or you can upgrade for a small fee to a hot breakfast if you would like. There is not an actual restaurant on the grounds of this hotel.